What Information Is Stored On a SIM Card?

Serena Carsley-Mann

Jul 18 2023

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A SIM card is a tiny card that holds the identity of a mobile subscriber. In other words, your SIM card keeps important information such as your network details, subscriber identity, and in certain cases, even your text messages and contacts. 

Does A SIM Card Store Data?

Yes, they do in fact save information and store data. A SIM card acts as the middleman between your service provider and your phone. What’s most important is that your SIM has a number called an IMSI, an International Mobile Subscriber Identity, and a key. Both of these are used to both recognize and confirm phone users. Your SIM also saves details about your user account and phone company. 

What Is Stored On a SIM Card? 

Your SIM card holds several pieces of information, including the following:

Subscriber information: As mentioned above, your IMSI number and authentication key on your SIM card is essential in verifying you as subscribed to your mobile network. This is the most crucial data stored on a SIM card. 

Network information: Your SIM card also stores information about your mobile network. This includes the network codes and ID to allow your device to know which network to connect to. This is also how when roaming you have the ability to connect seamlessly to other networks.

Contact information: Your contact information, such as phone numbers has traditionally been stored on SIM cards. More recently, people have started to store this information either directly on their devices or to sync them to cloud services such as iCloud. The ability to store contacts on your SIM still exists, however. 

Text messages: While modern smartphones generally store text/SMS messages on the phone themselves or in the cloud, your SIM still has the capability of storing these messages. 

Pre-installed apps: Certain SIM cards come with service provider apps that are installed on the device. 

Does a SIM Card Hold Pictures? 

This is a commonly asked question, and the answer is that SIM cards do not store pictures or other large files such as videos and music. These types of files are usually saved on the internal storage of your device. Some personal data, however, can in fact be stored on a SIM card, such as text messages or contact information. 

Does a SIM Card Hold Your Phone Number? 

SIM cards also do not hold your phone number, but rather an IMSI number. This number is a unique way to link your SIM card to your specific account, as well as to identify it. Your phone is of course connected to your account, however, your phone number itself is not stored on your SIM card. 


To sum up what info is stored on a SIM card in short, it holds crucial information for both connecting and authenticating your device with your mobile network. A SIM card also stores data related to your network, subscriber information, as well as your contact information, and text messages. 


Q: Can I move my SIM card to a new phone? 

A: For the most part, you can in fact move your SIM card to a new phone. If you do so, your new phone will have your number and you’ll be able to connect to your network, but your contacts, text messages, and other data will still be on the old phone.

Q: What happens to my SIM if I lose my phone?

A: If you lose your phone, it could potentially be risky as the data on your SIM may be exposed, including your texts and contacts. 

Q: Is the information on a SIM card safe? 

A: In general, SIM cards use a variety of safety features such as encryptions and PINs designed to keep the data they hold secure. No system however is 100% safe, and it never hurts to limit the amount of sensitive or personal information you keep on your SIM card.

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